Louis DC

A Code-99 Studios Experience

a large white building with a flag on it
a large white building with a flag on it

Politics Is Key

Louis DC is a proud partner of Project America, meaning the White House is up for grabs! Run for political office or get a normal city job and make connections.

Roleplay Departments

Join the rank and file of one of the following government departments

United States Secret Service
Secret Service vehicle pulling out of a garage
Secret Service vehicle pulling out of a garage

Join the one of most elite law enforcement departments in the world, and get to protect the elites.

Metropolitan Police vehicle on a street
Metropolitan Police vehicle on a street
Capital Police vehicle parked near the capital building
Capital Police vehicle parked near the capital building
Metropolitan Police Department

Protect the civilians of Louis DC, help block off roads during events, and respond to 911 calls across the city.

Protect one of the most important buildings in the country against attacks and insurrections.

United States Capital Police

Office of the Mayor

Meet the City Council for Louis DC

Bryan Declan - Mayor of the District of Columbia
Bryan Declan - Mayor of the District of Columbia
Bryan Declan

Mayor of District of Columbia

Brad Miller - Deputy Mayor of the District of Columbia
Brad Miller - Deputy Mayor of the District of Columbia
Brad Miller

Deputy Mayor of District of Columbia

Seal of the District Of Columbia
Seal of the District Of Columbia